Its been awhile since I posted anything.
I've had a busy week or so with painting Meg's room, reading HP (which I loved and have started to reread at a slower pace. There is too much to say about it, I couldn't cover it in this posting)
We've had a week of rain which was great as the gardens were crying for water. The rain was good, but, I didn't make it out to finish my painting at John's house. Tomorrow looks good though.
In the meantime, I worked on some pieces in the studio. The two shown above were started in the spring. More paintings of Yaro's barn. (accidentally put two of the same image up, I intended to delete the bottom image, can't figure out how!)
Who is Yaro?
Who is Yaro?
Yaro is my husband's grandfather, who bought the property our house and our neighbors house is on--which used to be Yaro's and Emmas. He bought the land in the 1940's, built his house. Then Bob's parents built our house in 1949. Yaro and Emma are gone, but the land, house and barns are still here. The barn has been subject matter for me since we moved here in 1996. Before that, I was obsessed with Kleve's barn, just down the road. I love the sillouhettes of barns against the sky. Barns are becoming a thing of the past as more and more fall down or are torn down for development.
We spent yesterday celebrating Beau's (my son) 26th birthday. He and his girlfriend and her dog (good golly Miss Ana Molly) came from Columbus. We had a garden themed meal. The first hill of potatoes, yellow beans, zuchinni bread, local grown melon, with the addition of fantastic baby back ribs. All, Yum!! I gave Beau a collage. I meant to take a picture of it for posting and posterity, but forgot. He'll have to send it sometime.