This hibiscus was a gift from my children for Mother's Day last year. (I posted some pics of it this summer.) A few days ago, I noticed it had the beginnings of a bloom. Today (such a shame...I was home.. no school again...this time due to ice) it bloomed! Very odd and beautiful contrast to the gray day.

This barn is down the road and is something I look at every morning on my way to work. I took a couple of pics w/ my cell phone, then printed out the pics. The so-so quality of the pics lent themselves nicely to artistic license and freedom with paint application and color decisions. So this one is kindof a study...loosening up, getting familiar w/ the territory.

This is the second painting of "the barn down the road". Loosening up some more and I played with scratching into the paint to show the tree branches. The blues are more purple in real life.

Third painting. Simplification of subject. The sky was busier, but I changed it.