Pay It Forward was a great experience. But, I've been remiss or at least a bit tardy on posting this. Christine put up a nice post w/ a pic of my painting that I sent to her...I figured I could do the same for Tracy!!
The photo shows the painting I received from Tracy, it's the beautiful landscape next to the collage. It was like Christmas when it arrived (in fact it was just after Christmas)...I looked at it for a long time and kept showing it to people. Which led to explaining the art PIF. I walked around the house with it, trying to find the right place to hang it. For now, its in the kitchen, nestled with these other pieces of art. I can look at it all the time. Thanks Tracy!
PS: can anyone explain how or where i find out how to put links in the post. for example, i would have like to link tracy in this post...and Christine.