As a kitten Little Kitty (aka scarlett jasmine rose, as my now 22 year old daughter meg named her when she was a 6 year old) often played with the water in the tub. Today I washed the shower curtain, thus giving her a view of the tub. She hopped in. I had forgotten how she used to play with water. As she's aged, she's left some of her kitten ways behind. A year or so ago she was sick enough that I thought we'd lose her.
Not so.
She is much healthier now. Entertaining me daily with her cat ways.
If only she'd take care of the mouse that's moved into the kitchen.
I have been painting lately, back to landscape..will post pics soon.
El Segon Muntanyar de Jávea
"El Segon Muntanyar de Jávea" Óleo sobre tela de 46 x 38 cm / Pintor
Alejandro Cabeza 2014 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable
10 years ago
that's why she's my favorite kitty!!!