i am Molly sitting tonight...Molly being my son's girlfriend Tracy's cocker spaniel-beagle mix puppy. cute as can be. fortuitously (sp?) she needed to step outside for a final bathroom break. it's a crisp cold night and we have about 4 inches of snow on the ground. full moon, silvery clouds..so we're out there, me, Molly and Woody Dog Sedivy.
just chillin.
first i heard them. i started scanning the skies in the direction of their odd calls. (reminiscent of the monkeys in wizard of oz).
the v-shape emerged coursing through streaks of silver cloud.
Up, way up.
50 or more.
lovely v shape. SWANS, Tundra swans.
earlier in the day, a visit with mom and dad. Tracy, Beau, me, Meg and Marilyn.
great visit..we ate some just made that morning pumpkin pie.
Tre delicier (sp?)
we stopped at BayArts the see my work there and to shop at the holiday boutique. what are the odds that as I'm there, the painting shown above is literally being taken down from the wall and sold! Cool! got to meet the buyer and look at the painting one last time. this is a favorite of mine and i'm glad to know where and with whom it will be. i don't know, maybe that sounds odd, but some pieces you get attached to. and i like to know where all of my work goes. it tells a story of time passage, geography, an excerpt of one aspect of my life and intersections with people.
the last taker for PAY IT FORWARD has emerged. Leslie. a fellow blogger and a writer. we have a twist! Leslie is a poet and for those interested participating in PIF and in recieving poetry--visit Leslie and read her poetry, evocative work. She has her first chapbook of poetry printed! Congratulations, Leslie!
all in all a fine day after thanksgiving. giving thanks, indeed.
Thank you to my takers!! Leslie, Shirime and Christine!